SharePoint Search can do so much more than just search your SharePoint sites and one of the features with in SharePoint 2007 and 2010 is the ability to search a file share.
Here is how to configure SharePoint to crawl a file server.
In my environment I have 2 servers. A domain controller that is a file server and also a single SharePoint 2010 server farm.
Configure SharePoint Search
Log into your Central Admin and go to your Search Administration page.
Down the left hand navigation select Content Sources
Select New Content Source
Give a name to the content source and select File Shares as a Content Source Type.
Add the UNC path for the shared documents.
If you want just that folder to be searched select ‘Only crawl the folder of each start address’.
Select up any crawl schedules you want.
Select OK to save this new Content Source
Configure File and Folder Permissions
The SharePoint Search Crawler will run under a user and this user requires permission to the shared folder. To ensure you know which user is crawling you can do this on your file server by opening the File Services Snap In and selecting Manage Session from the Action panel.
You will see which user is connecting to that share.
Add the user to have Read Only permission to that share and folder.
I’ve got this setup and it seems to be crawling ok, but it isn’t doing a full text crawl of the PDF’s in the file share. The iFilter is installed, as it is doing full text crawls on the PDF’s within the SharePoint site. Any suggestions, or is this working as designed?
I have the file content source set up.
When is search for results, the website lists results, but the when i click on the file link. The file does not open. Nothing happens, i get no error in the browser. The file link is correct, when i copy paste it in a run box, the file opens.
But when i click the result in the browser, nothing happens….
hola Alex, oye tengo una pregunta tengo ya mi busqueda configurada hacia una carpeta compartida pero tambien me trae la busqueda resultados de sitios y no quiero que busque en los sitios si no nada mas en la carpeta.
que debo de hacer ahi.
How can I present Crawled data from File Server to the sites where users can see it and search?
Thank you