Well its coming to the end of day 3 of BETT and I've spent the whole day giving demonstrations not just on SharePoint but also the other elements of the Microsoft Learning Gateway. There are some people who want to know how exchange and office communications server 2007 can be intregrated and delieved throught sharepoint. Also got some questions on Unified Communications and how they can work within the school. The main trick is to take the business process and look at the your school processes and how technology can be used to help.
Lots of questions on the price of SharePoint 2007 (MOSS) for a school. Its simple – can you put a cost on how much sharepoint can help a pupil in their learning? Is there a cost of a pupil education? I talked about how if I go and turn a server off in my Microsoft Learning Gateway (the sharepoint server) my school would not be able to teach – is there a cost to that?
1 day left – hope to have a look around at some point – not had chance but have lots of contacts to help develop Sharepoint in Education and also talking to Samsung on some hardware developments.
Also got a lot of content to blog on and how silver could be used to site on top of a educational sharepoint site.
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