First Look at Microsoft Classroom

17 thoughts on “First Look at Microsoft Classroom”

  1. Hi Alex,
    How did you manage to Classroom up and running?
    When I go to the site I get ‘Your IT administrator has not yet enabled Microsoft Classroom for you. Please try signing-in again later.’
    When I follow the link on which explains how to set it up I get ‘Thanks for your interest! We are out of invitations for today. If you haven’t already, please sign up below and we’ll notify you when more invitations are available.’ I have signed up but never hear anything back.
    Did you do have to do anything to set it up. Any help would be much appreciated.
    Finally Microsoft might be producing something to bring people back from Google Classroom (and SmartAmp if you are a Smart Board user). Mind you we thought that when they added (and withdrew) the educational webparts to SharePoint 2010 (sorry, the pain is still there!).

  2. HI Alex,

    Thanks for this. As a UK user I am frustrated that MS doesn’t quite clearly say that it’s only available in USA right now. Is there any TechNet blog that may give a hint of when it will come to Europe or specifically UK ?

    1. Nalin,
      Agree with you and hope it is something that will come soon – I’m hearing “Fall” for everyone else. I agree with the delay that Microsoft have added (i have a little insight but can’t share at the moment) to it come outside of the US and I’m sure it will be worth the wait. There are also bugs in the preview so at least we will get the finished product.

      1. I would take bugs….. would rather “learn with the product as it is developed” than wait for the final thing.
        As new things were pushed out with Google classrooms we, as users, soon adapted / took them on board.
        The wait is a killer!

  3. HI Alex,

    Many thanks for taking the time to respond. Appreciated. Fall may be too late for us as there is a big push for Google classroom ( politics) which I am resisting. Time will tell now…

    1. Take the Google – it’s awesome!
      I would be an early adopter of 365 Classroom if it was ready – but we keep being promised “soon” and soon isn’t happening!

  4. 2 questions:
    Any ideas where these files / Onenote notebooks actually sit? It appears to leverage part of Sharepoint and OneDrive, but I am unable to see these under the Sharepoint administration site.
    I can see the link in OneNote via Office 365 – it points to sites\testclass – but I can’t see it under sharepoint at all.

    Also – any idea if you can delete a OneNote class notebook associated with a class and create a new one?

  5. Hi!
    Do you know if it is possible to add a an extra web page in all of your classes? I would like that to be the first thing they see when they open their class.

    I live in Sweden and our students are used to getting a lesson plan for the entire semester. I do not want to use the class note book for my class and I think that adding the lesson plan in the class calender will take a lot of time and will look messy as well.

    I have searched for information regarding this but can not find any.

    Thankful for help

  6. Hi Alex,
    Do you know how is a classroom group different to a normal O365 group, and if so using poweshell how can I create a new classroom group?

    I can’t use the preview SDS as it doesnt link to our MIS, but would like to create new groups for classes from powershell.

  7. I am receiving the same message (that the program is in preview stage) and I am in the US/ using my teacher email. I have access to OneNote but not the classroom– any help would be appreciated!

  8. Am in NZ playing with the Preview – still……
    Am wondering if there is any progress.
    I moved from a Google Classroom school – and loved it – and am really wanting 365 Classroom to get going – and soon!

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