First look at Office Forms for Office 365

9 thoughts on “First look at Office Forms for Office 365”

    1. Steve,
      I don’t know any dates – I just registered for the preview at and tried to navigate to it last week and got in.

      1. Thanks, I have just tried to register. It wouldn’t work with my school office 365 details I had to login in with my personal Microsoft account – not sure if that will work!

  1. It has just arrived at the college where I work. The App took 3 days to fully appear in Office 365.

    Something new to play with over the summer holidays

  2. Hi..I have a question about Forms that you may be able to answer. I love the format and usability, but could do with the ability to share the form templates with others ion my organisation. Have you found a way around this yet? Any help would be much appreciated.

  3. This looks fantastic, an excellent tool for teachers.

    As a 365 business user I’m hoping this makes its way on there in the future. It looks like it could be hugely beneficial to everyone in my workplace!

  4. Is there an other product like form in Office 365 that will allow me to have more complex questionnaire type surveys.

    In perticular would want to ad checkboxes where more than one answer can be selected.

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