I’ve had a few people recently ask me where I would recommend putting the My Assignment Web Part? With in the pupils My Site or somewhere else?
Well it depends on how you intend to use your site.
Personally – I have it within the pupils site where they can also see announcements, calendar, documents and other custom lists that are relevant to my pupils. As for the staff – they are the same. They can access all the information they need from the staff site including the My Assignment Web Part. If your a pupil your IE home page takes you to the pupil site so they receive all the information straight away
I have been to schools recently that are using the My Site as their home page instead so pupils can access their My Documents and using RSS and Content Editor Filter to deliver the information from other areas with their SharePoint environment.
So where is best? I don’t think there is a write or wrong answer – its all about your configuration, individual schools needs and training/awareness. If you let your users know where its going to be – they will find it.