SLK and other useful weblinks

Codeplex: Download SLK from here Microsoft on SLK: Learning Gateway Learning Gateway Web Parts Microsoft Blog for Higher Education Moddle Web Parts for MOSS Continue reading SLK and other useful weblinks

RDP in SharePoint

My school has been given 104 laptops for pupils to have.  This has brought up many issues.  The pupils have to be able to take the laptops home and use them there. This has brought up several issues, Group Policies for the user, not enough IPs in my allocated range for the government WAN, wireless … Continue reading RDP in SharePoint

Sharepoint Learning Kit

Sharepoint Learning Kit is available from SLK is used to assign individuals documents that they have to review, download and edit, answer the questions etc… SLK is SCORM compliant which enable schools to create learning content from such programs as MS Class Server Teacher and assign it pupils where they have to then answer the questions within the document.  When the pupil … Continue reading Sharepoint Learning Kit